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Vesco:at the age of 41 7xMille Miglia and 9xNuvolari are a great achievement

In June, Andrea Vesco has set another historic record winning the Mille Miglia five times in a row. Vesco speaks about the new route, the desire to compete, historical records and the return of Giuliano Canè in an interview with  AutoClassicNews.

-You became the first driver to win the Mille Miglia five times in a row. Does this victory feel different from others in recent years or not?

-Nope, I already broke a record last year winning 4 times in a row. Mille Miglia is the most important appointment of the year and we work since a few months before to prepare all the details of the race, so we know exactly what to do during the race.

-In one of the interviews after the finish, you said that seven wins is already a lot. What does it mean in the context of victories? Considering that in some races you won more often, for example, at Nuvolari.

-I don’t compete looking at future goals to be achieved. I always run trying to give my 100% in the single race I am doing at the moment. If records will come, well. But I think that at the age of 41 7x Mille Miglia and 9x Gran Premio Nuvolari are a great achievement. Hope definitely to continue until I will be competitive as I am now.

-This year, the organizers of the race changed the route, adding Turin and Genoa. How interesting and difficult was the route compared to last year?

-I didn’t like (as may others) the first two legs of 2024, too much traffic found on the streets and not so many trials. I would have preferred 4 legs overall with the first one going directly from Brescia to Viareggio throughout Passo della Cisa.

-Over the past five years, you have won the race with an advantage of more than 2,000 points and a minimum margin of 56 points from Belometti/Bergomi in 2021. Which advantage is more interesting from the point of view of competition?

-I think that for the competition (or for those watching from outside) the most interesting was the challenging race in 2021 with a few points between the first and the second. But in my opinion Is better to have a big advantage from other competitors because I can manage it in a better way.

-This year, the 2018 winners Juan Tonconogy/Barbara Ruffini took part in the race, do such returns affect the mood before the race and is it nice to see long-time rivals at the start?

-I was so happy to see them back on track. Unfortunately they didn’t do the great race that I (and maybe them) expected. Probably due to a lack from races and expecially from M.M. where you must be competitive for all 5 days. I hope to see them back, with all other great crews, very soon.

-One day, Giuliano Canè interviewed you and said that he plans to return to the Milla Miglia in 2025, 15 years after winning his tenth victory. How do you feel about his return to the race?

-I would be happy to see them back, too. I love to take part in races where all best top crews are present, so there will be a greater fight for 2025.